Got 5 minutes? Here are 5 easy ways to practice self-care

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Here are 5 easy ways to practice self-care

Whether you're a full-time or part-time student, it's challenging to balance the demands of Osteopathic studies with other life responsibilities. As aspiring practitioners, it is crucial to look after ourselves as much as our patients — after all, how can we help others maintain health and wellness if we neglect our own?

What is self-care?

The formal definition of "self-care" is "the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress." Self-care is, in other words, an active practice that requires effort and consistency.

Admittedly, for those of us who are used to being on the go, beginning a self-care practice is daunting in itself. If that sounds like you, don't be afraid to start small. Set an alarm on your phone to commit to 5 minutes each day to reset, then add another 5 in a week. Observe how you feel and adjust accordingly. Self-care isn't one-size-fits-all!

What isn't self-care?

It is important to distinguish unhealthy habits that are disguised as self-care from what is actually emotionally and psychologically nurturing. Self-destructive habits such as isolation, overconsumption of substances, and comfort eating may offer short-term respite but have deleterious effects in the long run. While there's nothing wrong with occasional indulgence, we shouldn't overstrain our bodies with an unhealthy lifestyle.

5 simple self-care habits

During such a busy time of the term, it's more imperative than ever to set time aside to practice self-care. As healthcare professionals, we ought to practice what we preach to our patients. Here are 5 simple but actionable steps you can take to ensure you are being looked after.

  1. Meditate
    Breathe in, breathe out. for the price of just five minutes, give yourself the gift of mindfulness. Close your eyes and focus on the present, noticing your breath and all the sensations you feel. you can also find a free guided meditation video or audio to help you relax!
  2. Journal
    We go through countless emotions in the span of a day — it's difficult to process them in the moment. Take a few minutes to liberate these feelings in a journal. What's one thing that made you smile today? What made you upset? Your journal is a safe, nonjudgemental space.
  3. Move your body
    Osteopathic practitioners know, better than anyone, the importance of mind-body connection. Set a timer to get up for a quick stretch or outdoor walk once every hour or two. Better yet, pencil in a dedicated workout every few days or even once a week. Improved blood flow means improved productivity too!
  4. Create
    Everyone is an artist. Get out a sketchbook or scrap piece of paper and freely doodle or colour. you could draw something in front of you, something you saw today, or an abstract representation of what you're feeling in the moment. See where your imagination takes you!
  5. Practice gratitude
    It's too easy to lose perspective when we're busy or stressed. Maintaining a regular gratitude practice is a simple way to remind us just how lucky we are. Take time to identify five things you're grateful to have in your life, big or small.